What the heck is this?


Claude Schneegans


since I'm using IE 6, every page I look at, even the ones I developed my self have this included:

<script language="JavaScript">

function SymError()
return true;

window.onerror = SymError;


What the &?%$ is this?

Mike Burgess

"function SymError" (Norton product error)
This problem happens when NIS or NPF has been configured to block scripts,
ActiveX controls, Java applets, referral information, or advertisements.
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User] http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file
http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm [updated 02-24-04]
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Claude Schneegans

This problem happens when NIS or NPF has been configured to block scripts,
ActiveX controls, Java applets, referral information, or advertisements.

Okaaaay. This also explain I suppose why I cannor see any error message?

Thanks, Il will set my Norton to a less agressive mode ;-)

Brian P

Norton is behind the eight ball if you know what i mean. I
recommend switching Anti-virus Systems if you don't want
wacked stuff like this and also if you really want to be
protected, truely.
-----Original Message-----

since I'm using IE 6, every page I look at, even the ones
I developed my self have this included:

Claude Schneegans

I recommend switching Anti-virus Systems if you don't want
wacked stuff like this

Well, anyway, I tried to uninstall the "Internet protection" and keep the anti-virus system, but everything got uninstalled :-( I was just about renew my subscription... just too bad for symantek ;-)

What brand would you recommand?

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