What Math.Tanh(1) return?



Hi Experts:

I have a question about Math.Tanh:

For a 45 degree 'angle' (radians is 45 * pi / 180 = 0.785), Math.Tan(angle)
returns 1 as expected; but Math.Tang(1) returns 0.76. Why not 0.785?

Thanks in Advance!

Arne Vajhøj

Polaris said:
I have a question about Math.Tanh:

For a 45 degree 'angle' (radians is 45 * pi / 180 = 0.785),
Math.Tan(angle) returns 1 as expected; but Math.Tang(1) returns 0.76.
Why not 0.785?

Math.Tanh does some different.

It is Math.Atan you want !



Math.Tanh does some different.

It is Math.Atan you want !


So to start a fire...

so u expect math.Atan(1)*4 to return the complete PI,
3.141592653589.... and so on for all eternity... tell the computer how
it should be stored and presented...

heard there should be a circle somwhere if u print it (PI) with a 80
char/row printer for a couple of years... newer got around to that


Hans Kesting

heard there should be a circle somwhere if u print it (PI) with a 80
char/row printer for a couple of years... newer got around to that

That's from the novel "Contact" by Carl Sagan and (if I remember
correctly) you should use base 11.
I doubt if it is true but given an infinite amount of "random" numbers,
anything could happen.

Hans Kesting

Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]

Hans Kesting said:
That's from the novel "Contact" by Carl Sagan and (if I remember
correctly) you should use base 11.
I doubt if it is true but given an infinite amount of "random" numbers,
anything could happen.

But the likelihood of the subsequent infinity of digits being an exact
repetition would be infinitesimal.

Everyone believes that PI is irrational, which means that the repetition
does not, in fact, occur, no matter the base. BTW any repeating decimal can
be written as a terminating decimal in some other base (is a decimal in a
base other than 10 still called a decimal?)

Chris Mullins [MVP - C#]

Ben Voigt said:
Everyone believes that PI is irrational, which means that the repetition
does not, in fact, occur, no matter the base.

My math may be a bit rusty, but I don't think that's not exactly true.

In base Pi, the number is completly rational - "1".

Arne Vajhøj

Chris said:
My math may be a bit rusty, but I don't think that's not exactly true.

In base Pi, the number is completly rational - "1".

Can base be non-integer ?


Arne Vajhøj

Chris said:

Everyone's familiar with base "e" - it's broadly accepted and supported.

Everyone is familiar with the exponential function.

I have never seen e used as base in a positional number system.

Nor pi.

(BTW, Pi would be 10 not 1 in a Pi based system ????)


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