what is the importance of doing MCTS for VS.NET 2005



i have used vs.net 2003 and have developed some web applications in it.
I have heard much about vs.net 2005 and MCTS.

so i want to know is it worth doing MCTS
what is the difference between MCTS and MCSD.NET
which one will more useful as per career as i have just started.


From http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/mcsd/ :
Developers who use the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and Microsoft Visual
Studio 2005 should consider the new Microsoft Certified Technology
Specialist (MCTS) and Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD)
credentials. They give developers with a simpler and more targeted framework
to showcase their technical and on-the-job skills.

Else I would rather try one of the microsoft.public.cert.* group...

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