What is the best practice for a multipage survey?



I need to create a survey that has 30 questions. I am thinking that it
would be less intimidating if the survey was broke up in sections.

In order to do this, are the survey results passed from page to page? Or are
all of these questions broke into sections on one page then move down the

I have gone to other sites where I will be asked on question at a time. Are
those type of surveys multi-page?



Jon Spivey

Hi Dave,
I'd agree about breaking it down into several pages. You'd really need some
server side script to do this reliably though - do you have a windows
server? If so post back and we'll help you out - not to say it can't be done
with php etc just that few of us here use that so you'd probably get better
help elsewhere.


Thanks Jon!

The server is IIS with FrontPage Extensions. The database will be MS ACCESS.

I was thinking about this and have several ideas but I have no experience
with this project. I can built the pages and send them to DBs.

Is it easier to post the results in 3 databases and then tie the results
The down side is how to tie Results to 2 to 3 to final DB.

Another idea is to put the survey on the same page and in the same form then
have a next button move then user to a blank area on the page giving the
illusion of a new page?


Stephen Travis

The easiest way is to pass form fields from page to page. For example, you can pass form values as hidden fields from page1 to
page2, etc. by placing this script inside page2's form and POST(ing) form1 to it....

<form method ="POST" name="page2" action="page3.asp">
Set Params = Request.Form
For Each p in Params
Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""" & p & """ value=""" & Params(p) & """>" & VbCrLf
<input type="submit" value="Next Page">

The final page's form can post all the data to the database.

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