What is q2comm.exe?


Wayne Wengert

With all the spam, spyware and virii I installed Norton Internet and one of
the things it does is alert me if a process tries to access the Internet and
then I either allow or prevent that. One process I don't recognize is
q2comm.exe but I see that it is a System process according to Task Manager.

What is q2comm.exe? Should I allow it to access whatever it wants?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Wayne,

No idea, but it's not a Windows file. Locate the file on your system,
right-click it and select properties. See what the tabs tell you about its

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Wayne Wengert


I should have thought of that. It turns out it is from Expert City as part
of the GoToMyPC application. Guess it is safe after all.


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