What is needed to network and share DSL with 2 or more computers?



I am trying to network 3 computers together. I have
successfully networked them together using a Netgear Fast
Ethernet Switch Model FS105. How do I share my DSL
connection with all computers? With my main computer I
can access the internet fine, but the others on the
network cannot. The package for the Netgear switch says
you can share internet connection. Am I missing
something? I want each of the 3 computers to be able to
access the others hard drives (for file transfers) and to
all use one DSL connection. What components are
absolutely needed for this? I'm not looking for wireless
or anything expensive. Thank you for the help.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

What you have is an Ethernet switch, not a router. You need a router, even
if you use it in conjunction with the switch - NetGear makes a cheapie
firewall router (FR114P). Or you have to use something like the icky
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), which I do not recommend.



Now to clear up my confusion. Do I need a router AND the
switch or will a router alone suffice? I want to hook 3
computers together allowing each to access the others hard
drives and to share the same single DSL connection. Will
the router alone also allow the computers to access each
other as well as the internet? Thanks

Bob Willard

Rick said:

Now to clear up my confusion. Do I need a router AND the
switch or will a router alone suffice? I want to hook 3
computers together allowing each to access the others hard
drives and to share the same single DSL connection. Will
the router alone also allow the computers to access each
other as well as the internet? Thanks

You need a router and a switch. Most SOHO routers include a
switch, so you probably won't get two separate boxes.

Trog Dog

Rick said:

Now to clear up my confusion. Do I need a router AND the
switch or will a router alone suffice? I want to hook 3
computers together allowing each to access the others hard
drives and to share the same single DSL connection. Will
the router alone also allow the computers to access each
other as well as the internet? Thanks

What DSL modem do you have?

If you have one that has an ethernet port, DHCP, NAT and preferably firewall
you can connect the modem directly to the switch, and each pc to switch.


There are variety of ways to have a Network and share the Internet, the
nature of the precise setting depends on how the whole system look like.
The content of the following links will provide you with a tutorial about
the issue. It is short and to the point.
Basic Options for Internet Connection Sharing -
Hubs, routers, switches, DSL, LANs, WANs...? -
The page above was written by me ages ago. You might ignore the prices and
Brand recommendations. The principles however are still the same.
Connection Diagram With Cable/DSL Router:
Installing Network: http://www.ezlan.net/installing.html
DSL-PPPOE http://www.ezlan.net/PPPOE.html
Jack (MVP-Networking).

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