what is it called when...


Steve Easton

One way is to use a span tag:

<p><span title="this is a tooltip test">Testing</span></p>

Works just fine.

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What is the proper term for when you move a mouse over text on a web page
and a little bubble (or box) appears with some words of explanation about
what the mouse is over.

I was looking for information on how to do that but my searches have not
been very successful.

chris leeds

when this poster first asked this question, I remembered you or Mr..
Brewster had mentioned something like this: tool tips with a span style, but
I couldn't find it in my fancy "tips" folder ;-)

Steve Easton


I was reading through the thread thinking,
" I know I've done this another way but I couldn't
remember how.!! ( old age I guess )
Fired up a blank page and played with it for a minute.

Think I'm going to set up a page named test.htm on my desktop
and use it as a tips collection.!!

This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
when this poster first asked this question, I remembered you or Mr..
Brewster had mentioned something like this: tool tips with a span style, but
I couldn't find it in my fancy "tips" folder ;-)

chris leeds

I've got a whole folder full of stuff I've pulled over into the folder pane
of OE that have great tips. I'm going to make a tip collection out of them
as soon as I get a chance.
there was even one that saved my butt the other day. I was trying to get an
autorun disk to work and just couldn't. I even followed the Microsoft
directions, then it dawned on me that there was a tip in my folder about
shellexecute was the ticket ;-)

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