What is good syntax for instanating virtual types?



Is this 'good' code to debug?

//Create separate Type library
namespace Common
public sealed class Statuses
internal Statuses(){}
public sealed class Good
public const string Ok = "Ok";
public sealed class Bad
public const string NotOk = "NotOk";
// end

// Create simple console app to use library
using Common;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string tmp = "Ok";
bool isOk = String.Compare(tmp, Statuses.Good.Ok) == 0;


I do not know what you are targetting!!

However what ever the code you wrote is not good!! Try refactoring it
to an enum

namespace ConsoleApplication1
public enum Statuses
Ok, NotOk

class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string tmp = "Ok";
bool isOk = String.Compare(tmp, Statuses.Ok.ToString())
== 0;



The exercise was try to refactor multiple 'hard coded' string comparisons
into nested abstract types with public readonly string fields, using .Net
v1.1. These 'abstract' types would be used throughout the solution. It was
discovered that the VS 2003 IDE couldn’t 'debug' these nested types, but it
could be seen that their instances were being created by the CLR. So, the
String.Compare method was working but the VS 2003 IDE wouldn’t hold these
nested ‘sealed’ types in scope so that the types could be 'watched' in the

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