What is going wrong here...



I have a matrix like this...

12 4 22
2 1 33
54 2 9

....and the following function...

Function myfunc(m)

myfunc = 2 * c

End Function

Passing on the matrix to exactly this funciton (letter by letter) in
Excel 2003 SP2 results in #VALUE!

Why? What is wrong here? My guess is that some data type definitions
are missing. Can somebody help?

Chip Pearson

Where is the matrix defined? On a sheet or in a VBA array? What is 'c'? What
leads you to believe you can multiply a matrix by a scalar in VBA? How are
you calling the function?

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)

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