What is formula to repeat row at top when column headings are numb



I have always been able to go to Page Set-Up and Sheet and enter in "$1:$1"
in the Rows to repeat at top section. However, a person in my office has
trouble with this formula on most of her Excel spreadsheets. I was messing
around with it to try and figure out why it was giving her an error message
that reads "The formula you typed contains an error." The only reason I could
see why it wasn't working is because the column headins are numbered instead
of lettered. Why would this be?

Dave Peterson

Instead of typing, just point at a cell in that row.

Excel will translate the formula for you.

How would it know that $1:$1 is row 1--not column 1?

ps when I tried this, excel plopped in R1

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