What Is best for a Compaq 07E8H

Feb 28, 2010
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Hi there. Currently I have a Intel Pentium 4 (CPU 2.53 GHZ), Compaq07E8H Motherboard, 1 Gig DDR1 Ram, A MAXTOR 6L080L4 (7200RPM) harddrive and a GeForce4 MX 420 Video Card.

I think its time I upgraded my video card, but I have no idea what I should upgrade it to. I was hoping it was possible for a 1 gig onboard memory card, but I'm not sure if my mother board would support it, in which case I was wondering if anyone could reccommend what video card I upgrade to.

I'm not sure of my power supply, if you need to know, could you please tell me how I would find this out and I will be sure to get back to you.

Thanks in advace, any help is appreciated! :-)