What I am doing wrong?



I have this code:

Set BD = CurrentDb

Public Function funcRunSQL(strCmdSQL As String)

Set rstSQL = BD.OpenRecordset( _
strCmdSQL, dbOpenDynaset)



End function

Calling the func:

SQLString = "UPDATE Processos SET Mes = 6, Ano = 1924 WHERE NrSubs = 87564;"

funcCorrerSQL SQLString

I get an error on the rstSQL SET:
"Error : 3219 Invalid Operation"

I think my DB isn't lockedwriting...

John Spencer

What are you trying to do? If you are trying to execute the query, you
might be able to use

CurrentDb().Execute strCmdSQL

That would be the entire procedure.

Public Function funcRunSQL(strCmdSQL As String)
CurrentDb().Execute strCmdSQL
End function

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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