What files do I copy when deploying by FTP?



I have a blank site on a remote server with no Front Page Server Extensions.
I need to deploy a web service (one asmx page) and one web page (aspx), both
of which use one class file (class.vb).

What are the bare minimum files I need to FTP to that server for it to work?
I also don't want to deploy source code (the VS built-in deploy button that
uses FP extensions has an option to deploy the bare minimum but I don't know
what that equates to in FTP terms). I want to deploy only compiled code.

What do I do?


you need the bin folder and the asmx and aspx. the class file doesnt
really do anything since it all runs off a compiled dll which is in the
bin folder.


What about the 3 global.* files?
What about the web.config?
What about the .resx files?


Jason Brown [MSFT]

Don't upload the resx files
Don't upload the .cs files
Upload web.config

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