What does this error mean????



An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148

Puppy Breath

It's the Outgoing Mail Server in your e-mail account properties. Did you set
everything up exactly as specified by your ISP or e-mail provider? If not,
that's why you're getting the message. It would be best to contact them with
this, as nobody here knows anything about who your e-mail provider is or
what their SMTP server requires,


/fedup2here/ said:
An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148

SMTP would be your outgoing mail server, which should not be on PORT 0.

Check your outgoing mail server settings in Vista...and perhaps contact
your ISP.


I contacted gateway and they couldnt answr, called my ISP and they checked
out my computer and everything is correct so there is no answer so I am bring
the computer back to the geek squad.

Gary VanderMolen

Make sure your antivirus program is NOT configured to scan email.

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

Each antivirus program is different. Didn't you get a manual with
yours? Even without a manual there should be a Help button.
Search the help index for topics on email.

Gary VanderMolen


Why would this error show up now and not right away? I've had my laptop for
over a month now.


OK, so who is going to answer this question since the same thing just
happened to me and our computer has also been set up for over a month???

Gary VanderMolen

Always include a complete error message when asking for help.
If your error message has "Port: 0" in it, most likely your antivirus program
is corrupting your email accounts. Read this:

Bottom line, if you are using McAfee or Norton antivirus, uninstall,
and get a better antivirus program.

Gary VanderMolen


Gary VanderMolen said:
Always include a complete error message when asking for help.
If your error message has "Port: 0" in it, most likely your antivirus program
is corrupting your email accounts. Read this:

Bottom line, if you are using McAfee or Norton antivirus, uninstall,
and get a better antivirus program.

Gary VanderMolen


I got the same message from a contact that I get all other emails from.Dont
know what's up.May ask MS.



For that pain-in-the-rear error with Windows (Vista) Mail and McAfee Security
Center, I just exported the email address profiles (.*IAF) via "Export" under
"Tools" and "Accounts", shut ALL windows, uninstalled McAfee completely,
rebooted, reinstalled McAfee with reinstall CD that came with computer, kept
everything closed and when McAfee updated latest virus profiles, went in and
turned OFF SpamProtect, Email Scanning and IM scanning. Rebooted again just
in case, and then opened Windows Mail on Vista, imported those email address
profiles back in, and everything has worked fine since. Hope you have as much
luck as I after days of frustration (!?)


Scratch that. Works great for awhile and then eventually McAfee still
accesses the actual folders, even though no longer scanning incoming/outgoing
emails, and error starts popping up again.

Gary VanderMolen

Yep, we've been telling people that for many months now.
McAfee (and Norton) won't keep their cotton-picking hands off
your email until you completely uninstall the program.

I haven't heard of anyone having similar problems with the free
Avast antivirus, and I've had no issues with my free Computer
Associates antivirus.

Gary VanderMolen


FOUND THE TRICK FINALLY FOR Error Number: 0x800C0148 and McCaffee on Vista
and Windows Mail...the key is a Custom (re)Install of McAfee WITHOUT the
SpamProtect and then to immediately turn off Email Scanning and IM Scanning,
thus, something like this:

To keep my email accounts for easy re-import, I first exported the email
address profiles (.*IAF) via "Export" under
"Tools" and "Accounts".

Then, shut ALL windows, uninstalled McAfee completely,
rebooted, reinstalled McAfee with reinstall CD that came with computer,

When doing so, make sure to UNCHECK the 'SpamFighter/Blocker' option under
"Custom Install" (this is the program that actually access and scans the
mailboxes after messages have downloaded, and thus affect Windows Mail
folders adversely.

Then I kept everything closed and when McAfee updated the latest virus
profiles, I went in and
turned OFF the Email Scanning and IM scanning immediately (SpamProtect
should no longer even be an option as you didn't install it.)

Then I rebooted again just in case, and then opened Windows Mail on Vista,
imported those email address profiles back in (*.IAF files above).

Everything has worked since then, with no more pesky errors.


dev said:
/fedup2here/ said:

SMTP would be your outgoing mail server, which should not be on PORT 0.

Check your outgoing mail server settings in Vista...and perhaps contact
your ISP.


Hey Gary,

interesting you should say that about McAfee. They are really having
problems no with updates on machines with Vista. I tried Panda which I
really like for my old Gateway 98 but could never get it to work with Vista
so went back to McAfee. Any suggestions on a good program compatible with
Vista? you can e-mail me privately at (e-mail address removed)

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