What classes handle regular expressions?


K Viltersten

I'll be working with regular expressions and
hopeful as i am, i count on that there are
tools ready to handle e.g. file operations
using regular expressions.

Please tell me it's so and give me a pointer
to what classes/packages to aim at.

Ciaran O''Donnell

This depends on the work you will be doing. The regular expression classes in
..NET are in the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Most prominantly
its hte RegEx class.
These will allow you to match Regular expressions to text. You would need to
code the file operations around this functionality.

K Viltersten

This depends on the work you will be doing. The regular expression classes
.NET are in the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Most prominantly
its hte RegEx class.
These will allow you to match Regular expressions to text. You would need
code the file operations around this functionality.

Oh, right, i ment to do the file operations myself, of course. As
long as i get the strings right, i can do the rest easily. Thanks.

I've been browsing and i'm getting an impression that what
some people refer to as regular expressions, isn't fully
well-defined. It seems that Microsoft uses a different pattern
to denote the regularities in the expressions that some
other system suggest. Is it true?

Arne Vajhøj

K said:
I've been browsing and i'm getting an impression that what
some people refer to as regular expressions, isn't fully
well-defined. It seems that Microsoft uses a different pattern
to denote the regularities in the expressions that some
other system suggest. Is it true?

Reasonable well defined. There are some differences among
implementations. But they are mostly in the advanced stuff - the
basic stuff is the same everywhere.


Arne Vajhøj

K said:
I'll be working with regular expressions and
hopeful as i am, i count on that there are
tools ready to handle e.g. file operations
using regular expressions.

Please tell me it's so and give me a pointer
to what classes/packages to aim at.

For inspiration see below.



using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace E
public static class MyExtensions
public static FileInfo[] GetFilesRegExp(this DirectoryInfo di,
string pat)
Regex re = new Regex(pat);
return Array.FindAll(di.GetFiles(), (f) =>
public class Program

public static void Main(string[] args)
Regex re = new Regex(@"^[Zz].*$");
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\");
FileInfo[] f1 = Array.FindAll(di.GetFiles(), (f) =>
foreach(FileInfo f in f1)
FileInfo[] f2 = di.GetFilesRegExp(@"^[Zz].*$");
foreach(FileInfo f in f2)

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