What causes a MS Word 2002 VB error when U have never used VB?



What causes this error? I have never used / do not know how to use visual
"Microsoft Visual Basic - Subscript out of range"
How do I stop the msg from appearing each time I start Word?

Beth Melton

Even though you are using it, something else is. It sounds like you
have a malfunctioning macro running when you start Word.

To find the macro:

- Go to Tools/Macro/Macros and make sure "Macros in" reflects "All
active templates and documents".
- See if there are any macros named "AutoExec" or "Auto" something
- Select the macro and see if the Edit or Delete command is available
- If it is then either Delete the macro or click "Edit" and place an
"X" in front of the macro name to prevent it from automatically
running until you can determine what the macro is actually doing

If delete is unavailable then chances are it is stored in a global
template. A global template is a template located in your Startup
folder that is automatically loaded when Word starts. You can find a
list of these under Tools/Templates and Add-Ins.

In the Macros dialog box, narrow down the list of macros using "Macros
in" at the bottom until you have determined which template contains
the macro.

Once you locate the template then either open the template and
delete/rename the macro or move the template out of the folder so it
will no longer be used.

Global templates are typically stored in your Word\Startup folder or
Office\Startup. Your Word\Startup folder can be determined by going to
Tools/Options/File Locations to verify this location. The
Office\Startup folder will be located in the installation path for
Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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