What are these spam posts doing here?




Haven't been here in a while, and I see the group bombed by all this
spam. Isn't there a moderator or a spam filter to clean this stuff
up. Too bad for the group, it seems.

-- Roy


Thanks, kony -- the screen I see comes via IE7/IE8 to
groups.google.com/group/alt.comp.hardware/... Some spammers bomb some
google groups, and makes them look like toilets instead of serious
sources of problems and solutions.

-- Roy


Thanks, kony -- the screen I see comes via IE7/IE8 to
groups.google.com/group/alt.comp.hardware/... Some spammers bomb some
google groups, and makes them look like toilets instead of serious
sources of problems and solutions.

-- Roy

You are just sick. That is ALL there is to it.
YOU are the power hungry dictator
and as a result of YOUR own complex of inferiority.
And that is why you have a need to dominate others,
just to prove to yourself that you are something.

I do not see any spam, at least compared to what I used to see,
and I saw it all, more or less, and if I tell you what I saw,
your stoopid scull would prolly crack.

What "spam" are you peddling here?

Have you seen a 10,000 emails coming to your business related
email account, you donkey arse?

What HAVE you seen?
WHERE is that "spam" are you talking about?
I've been reading this group and have notice anything,
that is even worth MENTIONING, you sicko.

Are you proposing yourself as a "moderator" here?

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FUBARinSFO said:
Thanks, kony -- the screen I see comes via IE7/IE8 to
groups.google.com/group/alt.comp.hardware/... Some spammers bomb some
google groups, and makes them look like toilets instead of serious
sources of problems and solutions.

-- Roy

You can read news on free servers such as www.aioe.org or
www.eternal-september.org . The first one has no authentication.
The second one, you can apply for an account. Both are free,
and are intended for low volume text-only. Perfect for
reading news. The un-authenticated one, has an upper limit of
25 outgoing posts per day, and has extensive filters in place on
outgoing (which annoy some of the more free-wheeling users).

You use a newsreader with that, something which follows
conventions well. In years past, it might have been
something like Forte Agent. I'm using Mozilla.org Thunderbird right now, and it works well. So with about
ten minutes of work, you can be reading (somewhat) filtered
content from a free private server. Yes, spam still leaks
in, because the nature of NNTP protocol, makes it pretty
hard to cover every possibility (short of being a mind

Comparing what I see on the free server, to the Google article
list, there are fewer "shoe commercials" from China. But
not down to zero.

Since the servers are typically run by just one person,
that person still sleeps at night. If there is a service
outage, they're not paged or anything, and it may take a
while until they resolve the service issue. It helps to
have multiple servers in your newsreader program, to cover
a service outage. I use the two suggested above.



??? WTF?

... usw.

You are just sick. That is ALL there is to it.
YOU are the power hungry dictator
and as a result of YOUR own complex of inferiority.
And that is why you have a need to dominate others,
just to prove to yourself that you are something.

I do not see any spam, at least compared to what I used to see,
and I saw it all, more or less, and if I tell you what I saw,
your stoopid scull would prolly crack.

What "spam" are you peddling here?

Have you seen a 10,000 emails coming to your business related
email account, you donkey arse?

What HAVE you seen?
WHERE is that "spam" are you talking about?
I've been reading this group and have notice anything,
that is even worth MENTIONING, you sicko.

Are you proposing yourself as a "moderator" here?

Programmer's Goldmine collections:


Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript,
organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.

Look into using NewsProxy with an nfilter.dat file containing the text "*
drop Message-ID:*googlegroups*" without the quotes. Cuts out most of the

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