What are the minimum fonts needed to run Windows XP?



What are the minimum fonts needed to run Windows XP?

I have recently had a big problem with font management. I want to delete or
move out all of the fonts that are unnecessary to run Windows XP Home. If I
want a font later I will reinstall it then. I do not want to remove any
system fonts needed to run Windows XP.

The Problem:
The problem that I had was when I was saving a file as a PDF using
AcrobatePDF Writer selected as the printer. When I took the file to Kinko's
they either could not open the file or their computers crashed trying to
open it.

I finally deconstructed the original file which is from a CADD software
called ArchiCAD. I finally found the one element in the file that was
causing the problem. It seems that a piece of text had been shifted from
ArchiText Western (the drafting font that I use in this program) to Arial
Unicode--whatever that is. Once I set the text back to ArchiText Western the
PDF printed just fine. It took several hours to figure out the problem--or
what I believe to be the problem.

I have been told that having a lot of fonts in the Windows/Fonts folder
slows down the machine. I'd like to remove all of the fonts that are not
necessary to run Windows XP, MS Word, MS Outlook, MS Money.

What I Want:
I want bomb proof PDFs. I want to be able to send a file to Kinko's or any
other printer and have it print as I see it on the screen. I thought that
was what PDFs do naturally. I want to make sure that I do not encounter a
problem like this again. I am going to post this same question on the Adobe
Acrobat web forum but I also need to ask the question about the Windows
system fonts here.

Any advice along any of these lines will be welcomed.

Thank you,

Donald Link

I think you are being just to picky and trying to cut the line between what
is prudent and what is going to far. You can have a decent amount of fonts
installed and not cause a noticable difference in load time. It would seem
logical to allow enough fonts to fufill program requirements especially
since a lot of fonts are installed for specific program use. Was it worth
all the effort and aggravation to time on loading that you probably could
not time if you installed and removed a few dozen fonts for test.

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