What am I forgetting in this code...




Specs: WinXP - Outlook 2003

I'm calling the Outlook object model from Access. I need to send
appointments based on a recordset. I have three records in the recordset
which are all appointments. I should get three different appointments but i'm
getting one with all the recipients added three times. Pleas take a look at
the code below and tell me what i'm missing:

Code created in Access...

Private sub CheckActions()
Dim rst as ADODB.recordset
Dim objApp as Outlook.Application
Dim objAppointment as Outlook.AppointmentItem

Set objApp =CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objAppointment=objApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

Set rst=New ADODB.Recordset

rst.open "table",cuurentproject.connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

With rst
if not rst.BOF and not rst.EOF then
select case rst(2) '-> Field which says it's an appointment
with objAppointment
. recipients.add (rst("addressee")
'-> ect.... (location, start ...)
. Send
end with

case=4 '-> do something else
this is where i do the mail which goes correct...
end select
end if
end with

End sub

My guess is that i have to set a 'new' appointment some how.

Any help appreciated...

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You're creating the appointment outside of the loop, so there's only one
appointment. Move the CreateItem line inside the loop.



Thanks for waking me up on this one. Sometimes your just looking at the code
to long to see the stupidity of it ;-)
Thanks again...

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