Wep works only once



I would like to add ask a question about wep and Windows XP home. I have a new install of Win XP home on a Dell 4000 which contains a Dell TrueMobile wireless card. I have just updated with all the latest windows updates. I do not have Q811493 or Q811114 loaded

The access point is a Linksys Wap11. If I disable wep everything works fine. If I enable 64 bit wep on both machines with a new wep key it also works fine. (for a while

The problem happens when you turn the laptop off. It will never connect to the network correctly again. The TrueMobil utitility says there is good signal strength. The two terminals show up in the task bar but if you open up wireless networking page there is a big red X throught the terminals. There were no changes at all made to network settings between the time this worked and when it did not work. The only thing that changed was a power cycle

If you do an ipconfig it tells you that the media adapter is not connected

If I change the wep key on both ends it will login again just once. It works great unitl you cycle power on the laptop

I have now tried this same setup with an old Sony laptop running XP Pro. It was tested using the same Dell TrueMobile roadio card. It fails in exactly the same way. If you turn off wep it runs just fine.

If I move my antenna a few inches it logs on just fine to my neighbors connection which is not using wep. I can see why there are so many unprotected connections around.

Any ideas would be appreciated as I have now spent about 8 hours working on this problem and searching the web for wisdom.




Sounds like you need to contact Dell. Your card, or its driver, are not
remembering the WEP key.

You might try the support forum at:

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I would like to add ask a question about wep and Windows XP home. I have a
new install of Win XP home on a Dell 4000 which contains a Dell TrueMobile
wireless card. I have just updated with all the latest windows updates. I
do not have Q811493 or Q811114 loaded.

The access point is a Linksys Wap11. If I disable wep everything works
fine. If I enable 64 bit wep on both machines with a new wep key it also
works fine. (for a while)

The problem happens when you turn the laptop off. It will never connect to
the network correctly again. The TrueMobil utitility says there is good
signal strength. The two terminals show up in the task bar but if you open
up wireless networking page there is a big red X throught the terminals.
There were no changes at all made to network settings between the time this
worked and when it did not work. The only thing that changed was a power

If you do an ipconfig it tells you that the media adapter is not connected.

If I change the wep key on both ends it will login again just once. It
works great unitl you cycle power on the laptop.

I have now tried this same setup with an old Sony laptop running XP Pro. It
was tested using the same Dell TrueMobile roadio card. It fails in exactly
the same way. If you turn off wep it runs just fine.

If I move my antenna a few inches it logs on just fine to my neighbors
connection which is not using wep. I can see why there are so many
unprotected connections around.

Any ideas would be appreciated as I have now spent about 8 hours working on
this problem and searching the web for wisdom.




I went to the Dell forums and did some searching. It looks like wep is just not reliable enough and someone there recommended I lock the newwork down by using mac addresses. This seems to work just fine. Thanks for the tip.


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