weird scrolling in word document



When I'm working with a MS Word document, I use the wheel
button on the mouse to scroll vertically. Initially it
works, but then all of sudden, when I use the wheel
button again, it begins to scroll horizontally. I have
to close the document, reopen it, and then the wheel
button scrolls vertically -- at least for a little while
before it suddenly starts scrolling horizontally. It's
driving me nuts because I have gotten into the habit of
using the wheel button to scroll.

Is this just Microsoft's way of getting back at IBM?
Never had this problem with Dell or Office 2000. This is
a brand new IBM ThinkCentre with Windows XP and Office
2003. Ever heard of this before and any suggestions?


It's another little-used (and fairly pointless) feature, that's a function
of the mouse, not Word. Do you have one of those new Logitechs, with more
buttons than you have fingers?

I've since turfed the mouse I had with this feature so I can't check, but
the answer is - as far as I can recall - to click the wheel itself, possibly
in combination with the thumb button.


I had this problem with Word 97. My solution was to increase the horizontal width of the window. The problem is avoided whenever no horizonta lscroll bar appears

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