weird internet problem!!



ok, i have vista home premium and my internet is screwed up! There is nothing
wrong with the connection, it says that my internet is fine(in the status)
(it is, I connected it to my laptop and it's working there). But when I open
my browser. It says something like "google error" (and i am not even on, "not found", "resolver", and more other weird stuff like that.
Sometimes I type in a website e.g and it start to load a totaly
different website! and in the end i get another "not found".

and here's the weird part:my internet works perfectly for like 10 min on
that computer and then stops and i get that weird stuff like i said above.
and when i connect it to my laptop EVERYTHING is fine! There is 100% nothing
wrong with the connection.
I mean I don't even get a message on my pc that there is anything wrong. The
internet status is all the same and from just looking at it you would think
that iti works. But as I said in the 1st paragraph, it is not really working.

I checked everything, i tried to repair my internet, i turned my firewall
off, i reset my modem. I also checked all of microsofts articles and none of
them helped!!

Christian Franke!

Keith D

DaveP said:
I have had similar problems even after using network magic.
See this posting about routers

I have disabled IPV6 Feature on the network card, updated the router
firmware and disabled auto tuning (netsh int tcp set global
autotuninglevel=disable) here is a good discussion on it...


Well thats interesting

i have exactly the same router and i dont get any drop out
so that rules the router out


Keith D.


how do you disable the IPV 6 feature & the auto tuning?

can you please discribe it to me in detail? i have to translate it into
German. did that solve your problem or do you still have it?

thanks for the support,


Control panel

network and sharing centre

second line down Connection click on view status

then properties

remove tick from IPV6

click OK


Not sure I understand. You are having drop outs. You have the same router as

The Vista issue has three components. IPV6 Packets, Autotuning and the SPI
You can turn off IPV6 & Autotuning on Vista but the SPI firewalls are on the
router. I have yet to see any router folks (Dlink, Linksys) say exactly how
to fix it short of disabling it on the router. Lot of routers do not let you.
I have also not seen any garuntee of avoiding the issues except for the DLink
DIR 655. I am almost ready to by a new router ( I have a Dlink DI-524). I
would love to rule the router compatibility out but I am not convinced as you
are. I still have occaional drop outs.


Great!!! The linksys wrt150n passed all the test. I am going to enable all
the Vista Features (IPvS, Scaling, ECN) and see how it goes.

When I have a chance, I will test the Dlink router with this.

Thanks for the post!!!


Keith D,
I agree now, it is NOT the router issue.

I got a new router this weekend (Linksys wrt150n). Disabled the SPI
firewall. Still had intermittent disconnects.

Still looking!!!

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