Weird Happenings



I have an application with a bunch of dropdown controls and buttons
that run macros.

In a particular instance if i reset dropdown 1 to "New" it then sets
dropdown 2 to "New"

The issue is, that when the second dropdown2_change event runs a
different sheet in the workbook appears to be activated (though it
should not), on a closer look the sheet was not activated as the tab
for the original sheet is still selected, however now the 2nd sheets
information is displayed. But if i then click a different tab and
then click back everything looks normal (so the data did not get
written over)

Hopefully this example clears it up:

Adding the following code to the dropdown2_change fixes the issue but
its sloppy sloppy programming

Sub dropdown2_change()
'code happens
End Sub

This is the one that produces the weird thing:

Sub dropdown2_change()
'code happens
End Sub

Any ideas?

Jim Thomlinson

I see no difference between the 2 code samples you provided... Including the
typo on the word activate.

Post your entire code for the procedure. In the big picture there is really
no reason to ever (almost ever) select or activate anything. If we could see
your code we might be able to clean it up.


Sorry, should have read:

Adding the following code to the dropdown2_change fixes the issue but
its sloppy sloppy programming

Sub dropdown2_change()
'code happens
End Sub

This is the one that produces the weird thing:

Sub dropdown2_change()
'code happens
End Sub

and you are right, i shouldnt have to activate it, but i could not
figure out why it got deactivated (sorta)...

basicly the second sub listed calls the first when it says
it is a lot of code but here it is :

Private Sub cmblocation_Change()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate + 1

Sheets("io").Range("u101") = Format(Trim(Left(cmblocation.Value,
2)), "###")
If cmblocation.Value = "New" Then
Range("expdate") = "=date(year(effdate)
Range("quotedate") = "=today()"

On Error Resume Next
rmvbutton.Enabled = False
On Error GoTo 0

On Error Resume Next
rmvbutton.Enabled = True
On Error GoTo 0
Range("expdate") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 1) '
expiration date
Range("effdate") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 2)
'effective date
Range("quotedate") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 3) '
quote date
Sheets("quick rate").Range("address").Cells(1) =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 56)
'street address
Sheets("quick rate").Range("city").Cells(1) =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 57)
Sheets("quick rate").Range("state") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 58)
Sheets("quick rate").Range("zip") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 59) 'zip
Sheets("quick rate").Range("personalproperty") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 7)
'Personal Property
Sheets("quick rate").Range("buildingamount") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 8)
cmbform.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 9) 'form
cmbexexp.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 10)
'extra expense
Sheets("io").Range("e7") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 11)
'business income amount
cmbbusincco.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 12)
'business income coinsurance
cmbtheft.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 13)
'including theft
cmbownerocc.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 14)
'owner occupied
cmbexwind.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 15) '
Ex. Wind
cmbconstruction.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 16)
'construction type
cmbprotclass.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 17)
'protection class
ComboBox16.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 18)
cmbwindhail.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 19)
'wind/hail ded.
ComboBox18.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 20)
'building ded.
'ComboBox19.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 21)
'Personal Property ded.
ComboBox14.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 22)
ComboBox20.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 23) 'bg2
ComboBox12.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 24) 'bg2
ComboBox6.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 25)
Sheets("io").Range("a38") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 26)
'class code
ComboBox11.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 27)
'risk type
cmbdedbasis.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 28)
'ded. basis
ComboBox7.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 29)
'class type
ComboBox10.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 30)
ToggleButton1.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 62) '
toggle1 value
ToggleButton2.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 63) '
toggle1 value
ToggleButton3.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 64) '
toggle1 value
ToggleButton4.Value =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 65) '
toggle1 value
If ToggleButton1.Value = False Then _
Range("bg1blc") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 31) 'bg1
building lc
If ToggleButton2.Value = False Then _
Range("bg1clc") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 32) 'bg1
Personal Property lc
If ToggleButton3.Value = False Then _
Range("bg2blc") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 33) '
bg2 building lc
If ToggleButton4.Value = False Then _
Range("bg2clc") =
Sheets("records").Cells(Sheets("io").Range("u101").Value + 1, 34) '
bg2 Personal Property lc

End If
Sheets("quick rate").Activate
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate - 1
If lscreenupdate = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmbinsured_Change()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate + 1
If noevents = True Then
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate - 1
If lscreenupdate = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If

If updatecnt <> 0 Then
ans = MsgBox("Changes to insureds quote have been made." &
vbNewLine & "Do you want to save changes?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion,
"Save Notice")
updatecnt = 0
If ans = vbYes Then
Call svquote_Click
End If
End If
If cmbinsured.Value = "New" Then
Range("name") = " "
Range("name") = cmbinsured.Value
End If
If noevents = True Then
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate - 1
If lscreenupdate = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If

If cmbinsured.Value = "New" Then

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("name").Locked = False
Set rng = Sheets("quick rate").Range("name")
Call bgcolorred
Call property
If noevents = True Then
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate - 1
If lscreenupdate = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating =
Exit Sub
End If
cmbinsured.Value = "New"
Call quotebuttons
cmblocation.Value = "New"
cmbinsured.Value = "New"
With Sheets("quick rate")
.Range("state") = "FL"
End With
ToggleButton1.Value = True
ToggleButton2.Value = True
ToggleButton3.Value = True
ToggleButton4.Value = True

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rng = Sheets("quick rate").Range("name")
Call bgcolorbgreen
Range("name").Locked = True

Call ImportInsuredData
Select Case Sheets("records").Cells(2, 61)
Case "P"
Case "Q"
End Select
End If

cnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("records").Range("D:D"))
For i = 2 To cnt
Sheets("io").Cells(i + 2, 21) = i - 1 & " - " &
Sheets("records").Cells(i, 56) & ", " & _
Sheets("records").Cells(i, 57) & ", " &
Sheets("records").Cells(i, 58) & _
" " & Sheets("records").Cells(i, 59)

cmblocation.ListIndex = 0
Sheets("quick rate").Activate
lscreenupdate = lscreenupdate - 1
If lscreenupdate = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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