We are trying to get the number of rows in a range that are in the
same week as a date. The date is in A1 below. The attempted formula is
below. We did use "CTL + SHIFT+ENTER" to create the array. The data is
in the area labeled "DATA!D3
Is this the wrong approach?
A1 = 2/21/2010
Formula in A2 {=SUM((WEEKNUM(DATA!D3
19, 2)=WEEKNUM(A1, 2))*1)}
3/18/2010 3:19 PM
2/25/2010 3:14 PM
2/26/2010 3:06 PM
3/18/2010 2:53 PM
3/18/2010 2:48 PM
3/18/2010 8:32 AM
2/19/2010 2:12 PM
3/17/2010 2:07 PM
3/17/2010 2:04 PM
3/17/2010 2:03 PM
3/17/2010 2:02 PM
3/17/2010 2:00 PM
same week as a date. The date is in A1 below. The attempted formula is
below. We did use "CTL + SHIFT+ENTER" to create the array. The data is
in the area labeled "DATA!D3

Is this the wrong approach?
A1 = 2/21/2010
Formula in A2 {=SUM((WEEKNUM(DATA!D3


3/18/2010 3:19 PM
2/25/2010 3:14 PM
2/26/2010 3:06 PM
3/18/2010 2:53 PM
3/18/2010 2:48 PM
3/18/2010 8:32 AM
2/19/2010 2:12 PM
3/17/2010 2:07 PM
3/17/2010 2:04 PM
3/17/2010 2:03 PM
3/17/2010 2:02 PM
3/17/2010 2:00 PM