Week number wrong



I am extracting some information from my database in week format.
I have done this in the normal way of using the Format function and W.
The week number it gives me is one ahead of actual week number in my diary.
Has anyone else come across this, or know how to fix it??


Simply speaking you could write your formulae and put -1 at the end, i.e.
minus 1 from each week number to give the correct value.

Jeff Boyce

Perhaps your Windows settings specify a different start day for the year
than you are using?

John Spencer

The week number is dependent on two factors - what is the first day of the
week and how is the first week defined. Take a look at the help on the
format function. You may need to use


That says return the week number for some date where the week starts on
Monday and week number 1 of the year is the first week with seven days. If
you didn't set those arguments, then your week number is based on Sunday
and week number 1 is the week that contains January 1.


Thanks John that works. I don't understand what the 3 does though. I am
assuming the 2 is to start the day on Monday? Could you confirm what the 2,
and 3 relate to?

John Spencer

The 2 argument is Monday
The 3 argument is Week 1 of the year has seven days in the year.

For an explanation, look them up in VBA help.
-- Open up your application
-- Type Control G
-- Press the F1 key
--Click the Index tab
--Type Format Function in the Keywords entry
--Click on Search
--Click on Format Function in the Choose a Topic list

-- Open up your application
-- Type Control G
-- Press the F1 key
-- Click on the Contents tab
-- Select Visual Basic Language Reference: Functions:D-G: Format Function

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