Website configuration too



I'm trying to use the website configuration tool and it keeps telling me
that it is unable to connect the SQL Server Database.

I do not have SQL Server Express installed. I have the real deal installed
on my development box. Is this the problem or is there someway to tell this
tool that I'm using and named instance of SQL Server.
I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe tool and it installed the aspnetdb database in
the server.

In the machine.config it's got
As the connectionStringName



Alexey Smirnov

I'm trying to use the website configuration tool and it keeps telling me
that it is unable to connect the SQL Server Database.

I do not have SQL Server Express installed. I have the real deal installed
on my development box. Is this the problem or is there someway to tell this
tool that I'm using and named instance of SQL Server.
I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe tool and it installed the aspnetdb database in
the server.

In the machine.config it's got
As the connectionStringName

".\SQLEXPRESS" is name of an instance SQL Server Express creates by
default. The dot means the local server and \SQLEXPRESS specifies the
SQLEXPRESS named instance. And this is configured by default the
website configuration tool. If you don't have SQL Server Express
installed you need to specify name(instance) of your server.

For example, it could be "localhost" and LocalSqlServer could be



Here's what it say in my machine .config file:
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data
Instance=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

If I put this in my local web.config (changing the .\SQLEXPRESS to
..SQL2005 -- the named instance), then when I start the ASP.NET configuration
tool and click on the security tab I get the following error message.

I'm a total newbie here so I appreciate any help I can get with this.


Alexey Smirnov

If I put this in my local web.config (changing the .\SQLEXPRESS to
.SQL2005 -- the named instance), then when I start the ASP.NET configuration
tool and click on the security tab I get the following error message.

Please specify the exact error you get.


1. Do you connect to your database in Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio as ".SQL2005"?
2. Do you really need to attach a database with name aspnetdb.mdf?

Try to connect with this string

<add name="LocalSqlServer"
connectionString="Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

As I'm not sure about the name of database the Data Source value could
be different.


Awesome, I had to include the Initial Catalog property in the connection
string but now I'm getting into the website configuration tool to the page
that lets me select and edit Users, Roles etc.
Thanks very much
I appreciate your help with this.

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