WebHancer Corporation and Spyware


Tom DiBell

Microsoft Antispyware (Beta 1) found that I have this
little piece of spyware on my system. Nice. Now I've
gotten rid of it. Actually, I've gotten rid of it
twice! It appears to keep reinstalling itself. I've
looked all over the internet for information on how to
get rid of it and it is scary!! Removing files and
uninstalling DLLs and using Regedit to fool around with
the registry!! Ahhhhhhhhrrrrrggggghhhhh!!! This is
really frustrating! Is there a simple and easy way to
block the bastard from getting on the system? In FireFox
there appears to be a simple block, but not in Internet
Explorer. Any ideas? Any Help? Send me a note or
suggestions if you can. Thanks ladies and gentlemen and
just plain folks!!

Bill Sanderson

Have you tried cleaning in safe mode?

Update your antivirus and antispyware defs, restart in safe mode, and do
full, deep scans with Microsoft Antispyware and your antivirus product,
until scans with each come through clean.

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