WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions javascript



I'm getting a syntax error because .net 2.0 is putting this
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions javascript in my button on_click event
and it comes out looking like this:

<input type="image" name="ucTemplate:ContentBodyHTML:btnSubmit"
id="ucTemplate_ContentBodyHTML_btnSubmit" src="/img/forms/
form_submit.gif" border="0" onclick="javascript:postToURL('https://
;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, false))"
language="javascript" />

I added the function to my onclick event on the server side to call a
function on the client side. That is not working now because I get a
syntax error. I was not getting an error in 1.1 Can the
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions function be removed? Can anyone help me?

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