webcam error



hi, i've been trying to install my webcam on my system and i get the
following error now.
16 bit Windows Subsystem
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applicatons. Choose 'Close' to terminiate the
application. Close Ignore
I have use this cam lots of times with win2000 and never had this problem.
can someone tell how to correct this please. Thank you...


David Hancock

Hello Eric,

Insert your Windows CD and give this a shot:

1. On the Start Menu, click Run, and then type the following: "cmd"
(without the quotation marks)

2. Click OK.

3. Type the CD-ROM drive letter with a colon, for example D:, and then
press ENTER.

4. Type the following and then press ENTER: "cd i386" (without the
quotation marks)

5. In Windows Explorer, rename the Autoexec.nt file to Autoexec.old.

6. Return to the Run dialog box, and then type the following and press
ENTER: "expand D:\i386\Autoexec.nt_ C:\Winnt\system32\Autoexec.nt"
(without the quotation marks) Note: Make sure the CD-ROM drive letter
and the hard disk drive letter are correct for your system.

7. Restart the computer, and then try again to run the program.

** You may have to repeat these steps for and config.nt

Hope this helps

David Hancock [MSFT]
Microsoft Server Setup Team

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