WebBrowser ignore javascript errors



In my c# program ive got a WebBrowser control in which a certain
website is called.
This website gives for some reason a javascript errors (message box)
from time to time. Is there a way to build my program so that the
javascript errors dont appear ?

i search many article but i don't solve

i'm try next

private void axWebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(object sender,
AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)
// excute javascript error
SHDocVw.WebBrowser b = (WebBrowser)e.pDisp;
mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass c =
mshtml.HTMLWindow2Class w =

w.HTMLWindowEvents2_Event_onerror +=new
m_ScriptErrorHandleTable.Add(e.uRL, w);
catch(Exception e10)
SSTrace.Trace( e10 );

private void w_HTMLWindowEvents2_Event_onerror(string description,
string url, int line)
HTMLWindow2Class w =
(HTMLWindow2Class)m_ScriptErrorHandleTable; [email protected] = true; } ca...english expression is poor.. understanding me

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