WebBrowser control problem...



I created a webbrowser control that can be hosted in a window of my application where I need to display some XML files. All is cool, the following files are added as reference


However, when I try to sign my assembly with a strong name I get an error saying that AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll doesn't have a strong name. I searched on the web and I found some people suggesting to use tlbimp.exe or aximp.exe with the sign option to sign this assembly, but everytime I try to do it I get an error saying "AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll is not a valid type library"..

How can I go by signing my assembly then? Is it impossible

Thank you


Wiktor Zychla

How can I go by signing my assembly then? Is it impossible?

this is fairly simple. decompile both modules using ildasm, add a key
reference and recompile with ilasm.

you can even change the name of both modules in the ILAsm source, so that
the names coincide with the naming convention you use in your application
(AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll is not a nice name for me).

Wiktor Zychla

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