WebBrowser class and msHtml


Laurent Lequenne

Hello All,

I'm currently developing a free windows Scrabble (in french :)) application that uses extensively the WebBrowser class of NET 2.0 for configuration, and data browsing. It works 100% on my machine, with the WebBrowser Class, and the Microsoft.MsHtml component. I can access all elements on the pages through the events, I can change some parts. Everything is rendered with XSLTs and changing directly the document through the msHtml thing.

But apparently, it works only well on both of my machines :)

When I deploy the application, Enabling / Disabling controls does not work and when the application try to access a SelectElement the users got that error :
Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'mshtml.HTMLSelectElementClass'. COM components that enter the CLR and do not support IProvideClassInfo or that do not have any interop assembly registered will be wrapped in the __ComObject type. Instances of this type cannot be cast to any other class; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.

The Microsoft.MsHtml is copied with the application and all users have a correct installation, as it is the only thing that doesn't work

does anyone knows what I have to do, to make it work on machines that shouldn't be loaded with Visual Studio, as it's the only difference I can figure out with my machines and users machines ?

Thank you


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