web services vs. remoting



Hi group,

this issue has been brought up a few times now.
I am starting to design a client-server application.

I do not see any x-platform activity in the future of my application.

I understand from various people, articles and posts that remoting is highly
discouraged at this point and that we should favour web services with
respect to future programming models including .net 2.0 (which I have no
idea whatsoever to what it may give us in this field).

my biggest issue with web services was the fact that even though we could
return complex objects (classes) from a web-method, that type was serialized
and transfered to the consumer and therefor even though the server and the
client are sharing an assembly with the transfered type, we have to tweak
the generated web-reference files in order to get over this obsticle. I may
add that the project involves many classes that might be used in web-methods
and therefor writing dedicated adapters from the serialized version to the
original version for each type is out of the question for me.

is this going to be handled in .net 2.0 (no tweaking needed)?
when is .net 2.0 due out?
where can I find information regarding the future changes for .net 2.0?
assuming 2.0 is close... what pattern should I use now so the changes needed
for 2.0 will be minimal (that is - remoting/webservices/tweaked reference
files etc)?



Aquila Deus

Picho said:
Hi group,

this issue has been brought up a few times now.
I am starting to design a client-server application.

I do not see any x-platform activity in the future of my application.

I understand from various people, articles and posts that remoting is highly
discouraged at this point and that we should favour web services with
respect to future programming models including .net 2.0 (which I have no
idea whatsoever to what it may give us in this field).

my biggest issue with web services was the fact that even though we could
return complex objects (classes) from a web-method, that type was serialized
and transfered to the consumer and therefor even though the server and the
client are sharing an assembly with the transfered type, we have to tweak
the generated web-reference files in order to get over this obsticle. I may
add that the project involves many classes that might be used in web-methods
and therefor writing dedicated adapters from the serialized version to the
original version for each type is out of the question for me.

is this going to be handled in .net 2.0 (no tweaking needed)?
when is .net 2.0 due out?
where can I find information regarding the future changes for .net 2.0?
assuming 2.0 is close... what pattern should I use now so the changes needed
for 2.0 will be minimal (that is - remoting/webservices/tweaked reference
files etc)?

Unless there is a firewall issue, I think you should always use .net
remoting rather than web service, because it's much faster and simpler
for developers. Web service is not a replacement for .NET Remoting or
CORBA, etc.

Sahil Malik


I would recommend doing up some reading on Indigo before you design your
distributed app. There are a few conceptual differences and just make sure
that your app architecture is in line with the changes coming down the pipe.

Other than that WebService/Remoting both are good but serve different

- Sahil Malik

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