Web Excel Component Bug

  • Thread starter ivan.rosales.rieloff
  • Start date


i'm working with excel web component from microsoft like

<object id="ss" width="100%" classid="clsid:0002E559-0000-0000-
C000-000000000046" viewastext></object>

this work fine almost all times, but when i paste a excel
spreadsheet width " quote character on the value of cells, the x:str
attribute have multiple " quote characters between the value, if i do
the same but write this on the control direct the problen don't

i'm load the htmldata from this control to XMLDocument
of .NET Framework, to parse to pdf width itextSharp, this method works
fine, i'll try use the functionality from itextsharp from the class
HTMLparse but the document generate for this isn't drawn the tables
good, for that i was implement my own table parse whid acceptables

some body know how i can clean x:str attribute or parse " quote
to &quote; entity only on the attribute value, the control have any
property or method to do this.


<td class="wc041F47D8"
x:str="Todos los datos extraídos de la Solicitud de
Confección de Documento anterior deberán ser editables por
el perfil Ingeniero e Ingeniero Líder, excepto &quot;Tipo de
Documento&quot;, "Tipo de Contrato" y "Naturaleza".">


thanks all.

i'm from santiago of chile, any idea may help me. thanks.


i'm working with excel web component from microsoft like

<object id="ss" width="100%" classid="clsid:0002E559-0000-0000-
C000-000000000046" viewastext></object>

this work fine almost all times, but when i paste a excel
spreadsheet width " quote character on the value of cells, the x:str
attribute have multiple " quote characters between the value, if i do
the same but write this on the control direct the problen don't

i'm load the htmldata from this control to XMLDocument
of .NET Framework, to parse to pdf width itextSharp, this method works
fine, i'll try use the functionality from itextsharp from the class
HTMLparse but the document generate for this isn't drawn the tables
good, for that i was implement my own table parse whid acceptables

some body know how i can clean x:str attribute or parse " quote
to &quote; entity only on the attribute value, the control have any
property or method to do this.


<td class="wc041F47D8"
x:str="Todos los datos extraídos de la Solicitud de
Confección de Documento anterior deberán ser editables por
el perfil Ingeniero e Ingeniero Líder, excepto &quot;Tipo de
Documento&quot;, "Tipo de Contrato" y "Naturaleza".">


thanks all.

i'm from santiago of chile, any idea may help me. thanks.

I'm find a solution to clean the html after load it to XmlDocument,
SGLMReader, this project load an clean the dirty html, this works fine
form me the excel work very good an i can print it in pdf, html, so