Web.Config Editing have no intellisense feature on VC# web site project under VS IDE 2005.



Web.Config Editing have no intellisense feature on VC# web site project
under VS IDE 2005. How can I turn it on?


the web.config file should have a directive/header at the top pointing
to the shcema file. I think if that is removed, then VS 2005 can't load
the schema and thus cannot enable intelliisense.

I hope this works for you.

Juan T. Llibre

the web.config file should have a directive/header
at the top pointing to the schema file.

Don't think so.

Try it...

Just open any web.config in the VS.NET IDE and,
anywhere, insert a less-than character ( < ).

You'll see the intellisense popup come up and offer the available choices.

You don't even need the <?xml version="1.0"?> header.

Intellisense will work without it.

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
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