web.config again



Hi all!

I have browsed through houndreds of threads with problems conserning
web.config, but not yet found a solution to this problem.

I have a test server running .NET 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0
I have a web application (virtual directory with application set), with
a web.config file.
The asp.net properties of this application is set to use .NET 1.0 in
web.config file:
<add key="DBstring"
name=somename;Max Pool Size=75000"/>

in aspx file:
Imports System.Configuration

Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
DBString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DBstring")

This however returns null and produces this error:
The ConnectionString property has not been initialized

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Karl Seguin

The appSettings belongs OUTSIDE of the system.web section...

<add .../>



Thanks for your reply!

But it is outside:
<add key="DBstring"
name=somename;Max Pool Size=75000"/>

Karl Seguin

lol...and here I thought I had the easy fix...must have been too early when
I saw that, was sure it was inside...

Have you tried setting it to work with 1.1 instead? Or on a server with only
1 version?



Easy to get lost in them tags:)

I tried setting it to 1.1, and interestingly enough, I get an access
denied error trying to read the web.config file located in the parent
virtual directory.
"Access denied to 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myApp\web.config'. Failed to
start monitoring file changes. "

The web.config file I want it to use is:
I then copyed my web.config file to the folder in the errormsg, and set
(read/execute)permissions to iuser and aspnet, but I still got the same

Then I tried recreating the application in iis, but without luck.
Yes, the application is also running on a live server without 2.0, and
it works perfectly!
I tried reregistering asp.net (regasp_iis from the 1.0 framework
folder) today, without any luck.

I suspect the 2.0 Framework installation caused this, strange
web.config behaviour.

I hope someone might share some ideas to what I'm doing wrong.


Amazing! I got it to work.
I set 1.1 on the virtual directory closest to the root, and 1.0 on the
virtual directory hosting my webapp

I wish I knew why though.

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