wav files in power point 2000



when trying to setup a slide transition to play a .wav file, power point says
it cannot play the file...make sure it is a wave audio file and that my audio
settings are properly set. Media player has no problem playing the file and
the file properties indicate that it is a wave file? any ideas?

Bill Dilworth

3 possibilities.

1) Try reducing the path length. Media player has some issues with extra
long paths. Place the presentation folder (you did place the wav file in
the presentation folder before inserting/linking, didn't you?) in the root
drive, like this: c:\Presentation\

2) The wav file may not be a wav file. By changing the file extension
manually, you can make another sound file type look like a wav. Some
players will even notice the difference and adjust to the new type of file,
thereby playing the sound. Media player isn't that smart.

3) Some player program has hijacked your MCI settings. Some player software
(yes, even the big names) feel they can run your system better, so hey
change some of the settings in the MCI setup. This works great for them,
but causes your sound files to fail when played through PowerPoint. Look at
this link to find out how to reset them to baseline.

**The Myers Multimedia FAQ by Austin Myers (PowerPoint MVP)

Post back if these do not resolve the sound issue.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
yahoo2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.
com www.pptfaq.com

Darrell S

KevinC said:
when trying to setup a slide transition to play a .wav file, power
point says it cannot play the file...make sure it is a wave audio
file and that my audio settings are properly set. Media player has no
problem playing the file and the file properties indicate that it is
a wave file? any ideas?

Try placing the .wav file in the same folder as your PowerPoint file.

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