wav file keeps opening in new media player window



When I go to a webpage that has links to wav audio clips, and then I click
on the link to a wav file, Windows Media Player 10 launches itself in a new
window and plays the audio. Is there anyway to just play the audio in the
browser (i.e. without opening another window) like Opera does?

After much searching, I've found that MS removed the media bar from IE6,
even though they still tout it's features in the support pages. Is disabling
the playing of wav audio in webpages also part of the SP2 *improvement*?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Kennedy

No, not unless the page is coded to embed WMP (or another player) in the
page itself. What you are seeing is expected behavior, and always has been
with IE. The media bar was removed due to beta-tester feedback, or so I've

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