wav across slides not working



Hello. Powerpoint 2003 on Win XP SP2 Acer Aspire 3000 notebook

Here is my info:

Setup show: presented by speaker, show all slides, show timings, no other
boxes checked

First slide: Transition=split vertical out, slow speed, no sound, advance
after 12 seconds
Textbox- after previous, appear with typewriter sound, each letter.
Wav file-{contained in presentation], after previous, start from begining,
stop after 4 slides

2nd slide: Transition=wheel cw 3 spokes, medium, no sound, advance after 14
wav file stops?? <---------------Here is the problem. It should keep going
until 4 slides have passed, but it stops as soon as the next textbox
textbox-with previous, appear with typewriter sound each letter
animated gif-fly in, after previous
textbox- spirals in, after previous
textbox-spirals in, after previous
textbox - after previous, appear with typewriter sound each letter

Any help greatly appreciated. I have already looked at FAQs, NG posts, etc.
and can't figure this out. I know it is something simple, but it is eluding




Try this:

Change your "after previous" (es) to "with previous". Use "Show Advanced
Timeline" features (in drop down menu for each animation) to adjust your
timing settings to happen subsequently.



Thanks for the feedback. I adjusted them all to "with previous" and
adjusted the timing.

It still animates the way it did before--good.

Bu thr wav still stops once the second slide transitions and the title
appears typewriter in.

The wav itself is 53 seconds long and contained in presentation, start at
begining, end after 4 slides. It plays just fine on the first slide, but it
doesn't continue until the 4th like I need it to.

Here is how it is set up now:

Setup show: presented by speaker, show all slides, show timings, no other
boxes checked

Slide 1-Transition=split vertical out, slow speed, no sound, advance
after 12 seconds
Title appear with previous typewriter sound one letter at at time.
Media play (the wav file) with previous.

Slide 2: Transition=wheel cw 3 spokes, medium, no sound, advance after 16
wav file stops?? <---------------Here is the problem. It should keep going
until 4 slides have passed, but it stops as soon as the next textbox
textbox-with previous, appear with typewriter sound each letter
textbox- spirals in, with previous
textbox-spirals in, with previous
textbox - with previous, appear with typewriter sound each letter
animated gif-fly in, wi





Hello all,

I did a workaround for my wav issue (it wouldn't span slides).

I did a test by creating a blank presentation with just two slides. I add
the wav to the first one and nothing else. The second one also blank. When I
ran the show, the wav spanned both the slides!! Yay.

Now, on the second slide, I added a text box, put in a few words,used custom
animation, appear by each letter WITH TYPEWRITER SOUND.

When I ran the show, the wav played until the typewriter sound started on
the second slide and then the wav stopped.

So essentially I was having two sounds competing with each on the second
slide and the typewriter one overrides and stops the wav.

So I am just sticking with the wav and no sound on the text file, unless
someone knows of a way I can play both sounds at the same time. (I don't
know what format the onboard typewriter sound uses.)

Thanks for helping!




Hi John,

the sounds like "typewriter" from PP library are wave sounds

i never found a way to have 2 simultaneous sounds with PP,
seems not possible
i checked both ways for the "long" sound:
- within the transition (with and witout the check in "till the next
- as an inserted object ("play till the end")
it stops when the second sound starts

I assume the only way is to play the long sound with an "external"

bonne journée


Mécé John Kazécry :

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