Warning Symbol



i have a message box that displays a red circle with a cross in it, i a
wondering if there are any other symbols that are on offer for me t
use instead of this symbo

| Attachment filename: warning.gif
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=365662

Harald Staff

The choices are very limited:

Sub test()
MsgBox "vbCritical", vbCritical
MsgBox "vbExclamation", vbExclamation
MsgBox "vbInformation", vbInformation
MsgBox "vbQuestion", vbQuestion
End Sub

Consider building a Userform, or even a Dialog sheet. You can do almost
anything with them.

Jason Morin

Please don't attach files to posts in this newsgroup.

I assume you're referring to Validation. You can change
the picture by changing the style in the drop-down box.
Otherwise, you'll need to switch gears and create a
userform that displays when the user keys in an
unacceptable entry. You can then put whatever picture on
that userform that you want

Atlanta, GA

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