WARNING-IE7 RC1 out today but...



.....not for those of us running Vista beta. We will get our own version for
Vista when Vista Beta RC1 comes out hopefully in a few weeks. FYI lol

Colin Barnhorst

Yeah, I'm gritting my teeth waiting for the typical "Why can't I upgrade to
IE7 RC1 on Vista 5384?" questions.


I'm still wondering how you've lasted this long around here! <s>

Raven Mill


That's a LIE!!! Just FYI.

Prizes get sent out tomorrow...waaaait foor it!

Colin Barnhorst

Cool! (and what else can I do but wait, pray tell?) :)

I'll just have to amuse myself with build 5536 while I'm waiting. Oh well.

Raven Mill

Colin Barnhorst said:
Cool! (and what else can I do but wait, pray tell?) :)

I'll just have to amuse myself with build 5536 while I'm waiting. Oh

I'm gunna wait for a few days before I bother trying to get it. The servers
were smashed a bit ago...


Using the IE web NG thang... it'll be interesting to see if I get sucked into
multiple posts. LOL.

Personally, I am most interested in getting my slimy hands on RTM code.
Having read Colin's comment, in another thread, on MS'ers considering this
NG's posts to be woefully outdated makes me think taking the time to bug
anything in 5472 is a complete waste of my time.

So I spend my time in Vista just toolin' around and seeing wazzup. I had,
what I thought, was an interesting experience with Vista the other day.
Computer was in sleep mode and I pulled the plug, unintentionally, and when,
an hour later, I powered the PC up, it resumed from sleep mode. Not having
played around with sleep mode or whatever it's called in XP, I don't know if
this is new to Vista or whether XP would respond in the same manner, given
the same situation. In any case, I was fairly impressed.

I installed 5472 on a Dell Latitude D820 today. One of my co-workers had
installed 5472 on the same box last week and BSOD'd "right quick" by playing
a video and going into Flip 3D and clicking on the Flip 3D window. I did an
absolutely clean install, formatting the partition, deleting the second
partition and extending the primary partition to take up the whole disk.
Booted the PC a few times during the day, no problem. Got back to the hotel
this evening, booted up the D820 and got a dlg box saying the, hmmm, sorry,
didn't do a good job on capturing the exact msg, but it ran something like
"display driver xxxx bombed and recovered." I thought, that too, was fairly
impressive. Usually, when the display driver bombs, it's welcome to the land
of BSOD and, oh, by the way, you need to hit the Big Red Button if you want
to get back the use of your PC and good luck with that buddy. Just FYI.


Colin Barnhorst

It probably is now. However, keeping your list to see if they are fixed in
RC1 in a couple of weeks is a good idea.

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