Warning - Error3734



We have a database used by multiple users and we were unable to open the
database one day with this warning:

"This database has been placed in a state by user "Admin" on machine
'CITRIX2' that prevents it from being open or locked."

Does this happen because the user forgot to close the program when the
computer or CITRIX was shut down? It's also happened that we lost the
database and a message "Module is missing" showed up. What could've caused
this to happen?

Tony Toews

MisJ said:
We have a database used by multiple users and we were unable to open the
database one day with this warning:

"This database has been placed in a state by user "Admin" on machine
'CITRIX2' that prevents it from being open or locked."

Does this happen because the user forgot to close the program when the
computer or CITRIX was shut down?

That's quite possible. Any number of other causes too.

For more information on corruption including possible causes,
determining the offending PC, retrieving your data, links, official MS
KB articles and a list of vendors who state they can fix corruption
see the Microsoft Access Corruption FAQ at
It's also happened that we lost the
database and a message "Module is missing" showed up. What could've caused
this to happen?

Is this in the front end or the back end? This almost sounds like the
database has not yet been split.

You want to split the MDB into a front end containing the queries,
forms, reports, macros and modules with just the tables and
relationships. The FE is copied to each network users computer. The
FE MDB is linked to the tables in the back end MDB which resides on a
server. You make updates to the FE MDB and distribute them to the
users, likely as an MDE.

See the "Splitting your app into a front end and back end Tips" page
at http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/splitapp/ for more info. See the
Auto FE Updater downloads page
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/autofe.htm to make this relatively
painless.. The utility also supports Terminal Server/Citrix quite

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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