wants to connect to internet when I ask to view hidden files



When I open C:\Documents & Settings\Users then change the file option
settings to "view hidden files", the hidden files become visible but then the
following happen:
1. An error message appears saying my request cannot be carried out as I am
not connected to the internet.
2. A message appears saying my request cannot be carried out unless I
download international language support for the dialogue box.
3. A box appears inviting me to insert my Windows Live ID.
4. Dialogue boxes repeatedly appear inviting me to insert the login info for
my own websites on their servers.
This crazy behaviour goes on until I have reset the file options not to view
the hidden files.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can stop it happening?
Many thanks.


Robert said:
When I open C:\Documents & Settings\Users then change the file option
settings to "view hidden files", the hidden files become visible but then the
following happen:
1. An error message appears saying my request cannot be carried out as I am
not connected to the internet.
2. A message appears saying my request cannot be carried out unless I
download international language support for the dialogue box.
3. A box appears inviting me to insert my Windows Live ID.
4. Dialogue boxes repeatedly appear inviting me to insert the login info for
my own websites on their servers.
This crazy behaviour goes on until I have reset the file options not to view
the hidden files.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can stop it happening?
Many thanks.

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:

In your case I'd answer the Second Question first.



Hi Malke. I have used Ad-Aware SE Personal (Build 1.06r1) malware and to scan
for avast! version 4.7 Home Edition antivirus. No malware or viruses detected.

In answer to your first question, nothing has changed, in that it's the
first time I've had to view hidden files in C:\Documents & Settings\Users
(this is when this behaviour occurs). If I view hidden files in other
folders, all is normal.


Robert said:
Hi Malke. I have used Ad-Aware SE Personal (Build 1.06r1) malware and to scan
for avast! version 4.7 Home Edition antivirus. No malware or viruses detected.

In answer to your first question, nothing has changed, in that it's the
first time I've had to view hidden files in C:\Documents & Settings\Users
(this is when this behaviour occurs). If I view hidden files in other
folders, all is normal.

I think I'd use some of the other tools (all free) that I mention in my
"removing malware" link and not rely only on Ad-aware and Avast. If the
system is really clean and since this just started happening, try a
System Restore to when things worked.

Since you're going to do a bit more malware scanning and malware
scanning should always be done in Safe Mode, it would be worth checking
to see if the behavior occurs in Safe Mode.



Thanks for the link. I'll get back to you when I've looked through it and
seen to it.


Most of these dialogue boxes ceased to appear after I deleted my Temporary
Internet Files. The only one that keeps appearing now is headed: "Windows
Live ID Internet Connection Error". Only in the "Docs & Settings \ User"
folder and only if "View hidden folders" is checked in the file options.

I have run 2 different current and udated antivirus and 2 anti-spyware
programmes, always in safe mode, with no result.

Only suspicious file I have come across is: EOUWIZ.EXE-07DD129D.pf lacated
in WINDOWS\Prefetch.

Is it a problem?


Robert said:
Most of these dialogue boxes ceased to appear after I deleted my Temporary
Internet Files. The only one that keeps appearing now is headed: "Windows
Live ID Internet Connection Error". Only in the "Docs & Settings \ User"
folder and only if "View hidden folders" is checked in the file options.

I have run 2 different current and udated antivirus and 2 anti-spyware
programmes, always in safe mode, with no result.

Only suspicious file I have come across is: EOUWIZ.EXE-07DD129D.pf lacated
in WINDOWS\Prefetch.

Is it a problem?

A quick Google for "EOUWIZ.EXE" shows me that:

"eouwiz.exe is a process installed alongside Intel ProSet network
devices and provides additional configuration options for these devices.
This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated
unless suspected to be causing problems."

Here's a description of Prefetch:

The files in the Prefetch folder are data files related to enhancing the
speed at which applications start. Windows XP Professional monitors the
files that are used when the computer starts and when you start
applications. By monitoring these files, Windows XP Professional can
prefetch them. Prefetching data is the process whereby data that is
expected to be requested is read ahead into the cache. Prefetching boot
files and applications decreases the time needed to start Windows XP
Professional and start applications.

So this isn't causing your problem. The Windows Live ID error makes me
wonder if MSN Messenger is running. If it is, I'd contact their tech
support. I honestly have no idea why the error only appears if you view
hidden files. I've never run across this in the wild. Since the errors
seemed to have gone after deleting the Temporary Internet Files, clear
the cache again and also delete any Temporary/Temp folders in your user
account, too.


I'm so sorry that I didn't have a definitive answer for you. If you
figure out, please do post back.


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