want windows explorer history button to list local folders as well as web urls.


Chris Bedford

how do i get windows explorer history button to list folders that i've
visited that are local to my hard drive ? I'm using windows 2000.

On win-2k if you click the little sun dial looking icon (to the right
of the folders icon) in the menu below the main menu (main menu = the
one that has File/edit/view etc.) then you get a list of all the web
urls that you've viewed Today.

i want to configure things so that this list includes folders that
i've browsed that are on my hard drive.

An exmaple of what I want is this folder ->

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application

However this only lists stuff opened by office. I want something that
lists every folder that I've opened (ideally not only today, but
within the last 'N' days).

can you help ?

thanks ! /chris

Jason Hall [MSFT]

From: (e-mail address removed) (Chris Bedford)
Subject: want windows explorer history button to list local folders as well as web urls.
Date: 16 May 2004 21:31:04 -0700
Organization: http://groups.google.com

how do i get windows explorer history button to list folders that i've
visited that are local to my hard drive ? I'm using windows 2000.

On win-2k if you click the little sun dial looking icon (to the right
of the folders icon) in the menu below the main menu (main menu = the
one that has File/edit/view etc.) then you get a list of all the web
urls that you've viewed Today.

i want to configure things so that this list includes folders that
i've browsed that are on my hard drive.

An exmaple of what I want is this folder ->

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application

However this only lists stuff opened by office. I want something that
lists every folder that I've opened (ideally not only today, but
within the last 'N' days).

can you help ?

thanks ! /chris

If you click on the "My Computer" entry in the history pane, you will see
that a list of accessed files will show up. There isn't a way to get a list
of folders to show though.
Maybe enabling an audit policy will help you if the above doesn't:
KB252412: HOWTO: Enabling Local Auditing Policies on Windows 2000
KB301640: HOW TO: Set, View, Change, or Remove Auditing for a File or
Folder in

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