want to limit worksheet to 1000 rows instead of 65,000



My worksheets only need 1000 rows but the worksheet remains at 65,000+ rows.
I have 1 GB or ram and 6 worksheets causes problems. How can I set a default
to limit the max number of rows and columns.
Thank you

JE McGimpsey

All (pre-XL07) worksheets have 65536 rows. That can't be changed.

However, unused rows don't take up any memory or disk space, so there's
no need to try to limit them.

What problems are you having?


The workbook file size is 988,635 KB. Three files in all have sizes in this
range. Yet I only have 60 continuous rows with data on any one worksheet. Six
worksheet max.
Each worksheet will never have more than 1000 rows and the most worksheets
will be 10.
I am not experience with excel but this seems like a very large file for
such little data. the workbooks take 5 - 10 minutes to save and load.
each file eventually will not load and locks up the computer.
I am using Excel 2003 would it generally be better to move to 2007. Money is
not an issue.
Thank you


Some thoughts ..

1. Try Debra's write up on resetting the used range at her:

2. You may have pictures, drawings, etc on the sheet, some of which may even
be hidden or "squashed" into just a line. To select & clear all objects (do
this on a spare copy), on each sheet: press F5 > Special > check "Objects" >
ok. Press Delete.

Gord Dibben

988,635 KB is 988 MB...............!!!

I think maybe you have 988,635 bytes which is not overly large but resetting the
used range should bring that number down quite a bit.

See Max's post with the link to Debra's site.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Debra's write up on resetting the used range at has solved my problem.
Thank you all very much.

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