w98 to wxp copy file errors



I keep getting this error msg in the 'copying' stage of
the install:
cannot copy infrared.chm to c:\$win_nt$.~ls\i386
Also the following can be interchanged with all the mumbo

Then, if I say go ahead without them, in the install stage
I get the :canot copy infrared. The system cannot read
the specified device.
plus a fatal error2
plus a load library 126 blah blah blah....

any ideas out there?


mike said:
I keep getting this error msg in the 'copying' stage of
the install:
cannot copy infrared.chm to c:\$win_nt$.~ls\i386
Also the following can be interchanged with all the mumbo

Then, if I say go ahead without them, in the install stage
I get the :canot copy infrared. The system cannot read
the specified device.
plus a fatal error2
plus a load library 126 blah blah blah....
In other words, you're trying to an update install of WinXP over Win98?
There are two ways of installing XP - a clean install where the hard
drive is formatted first and an upgrade install where the new operating
system is installed "on top" of the old operating system. In both
cases, you will have previously run the MS Windows XP Upgrade Advisor
to be sure your hardware (and any previously installed software if
upgrading) can handle XP. You should also install without any
peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) attached.

If you have been doing an upgrade install and having failures, you can
try a clean install instead. Formatting the drive will wipe all current
data, so you would expect to reinstall programs from cd and restore
data from backups. If you are already doing a clean install and the
installation is failing, you probably have bad hardware. Start with a
RAM test - I like Memtest86 from www.memtest86.com - and let the test
run for an extended time, like overnight (unless you get errors
immediately). If the RAM is good, then run a hard drive diagnostic
utility, which you can get from the drive mftr.'s website.

If you need more help, please repost with more details about your



-----Original Message-----

In other words, you're trying to an update install of WinXP over Win98?
There are two ways of installing XP - a clean install where the hard
drive is formatted first and an upgrade install where the new operating
system is installed "on top" of the old operating system. In both
cases, you will have previously run the MS Windows XP Upgrade Advisor
to be sure your hardware (and any previously installed software if
upgrading) can handle XP. You should also install without any
peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) attached.

If you have been doing an upgrade install and having failures, you can
try a clean install instead. Formatting the drive will wipe all current
data, so you would expect to reinstall programs from cd and restore
data from backups. If you are already doing a clean install and the
installation is failing, you probably have bad hardware. Start with a
RAM test - I like Memtest86 from www.memtest86.com - and let the test
run for an extended time, like overnight (unless you get errors
immediately). If the RAM is good, then run a hard drive diagnostic
utility, which you can get from the drive mftr.'s website.

If you need more help, please repost with more details about your

MS-MVP Windows User/Shell
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic"

I DO appreciate all the info, but does this need to be so
intrinsiqe? I have tried alt. given by other sites, like
dropndrag'ing files from xp to i386, but I still get
the 'copy' error - saying the system cannot read the
specified device. I spent an entire day trying to get this
to work!
I'd like to NOT do a clean install if I can help it. I
have 64mb...do I need 128+? Am I just being stubborn?


mike said:
I DO appreciate all the info, but does this need to be so
intrinsiqe? I have tried alt. given by other sites, like
dropndrag'ing files from xp to i386, but I still get
the 'copy' error - saying the system cannot read the
specified device. I spent an entire day trying to get this
to work!
I'd like to NOT do a clean install if I can help it. I
have 64mb...do I need 128+? Am I just being stubborn?

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean by "intrinsige". I don't mean
to be rude, but I don't recognize the word and I don't want to
misinterpret your meaning. Basically, what I'm saying is that if you
are having a failed install and it's an upgrade install, something on
your system is making the install barf. Usually when you get the
"cannot copy $filename" errors, it winds up being bad RAM or a bad hard
drive. So the normal t-shooting is to start with the least intrusive
and hard thing to do; i.e., make sure you've run Upgrade Advisor and
all your peripherals are unattached. Then if that fails, it's on to
step 2, which is either to do a clean install or to test the hardware.
In your case, I'd test the hardware first, because if the hardware is
faulty, no amount of tinkering with software will matter. I'm sorry
that this isn't what you wanted to hear, but remember that I'm giving
you my opinion in a Usenet post, based on information received in a
Usenet post. I haven't seen your machine and while of course I want to
be as accurate as possible, it will never be perfect in this situation
because I can't see your machine from here. ;-) Wish I could.

Maybe you should get an opinion from someone local whom you respect. So
often an onsite tech can solve a problem quickly when s/he can be

Best of luck,
