W2k High CPU after attempt to connect to W2K3 SBS


John F

This should be fun. Fresh W2K install on client w SP2, use
servername/connectcomputer to join server, W2K3, fails on
setup and client CPU usage high. Appears that it may be
due to needed hotfix present in SP4 which install when
running connectcomputer, however, now that CPU usage is
too high due to bug, unable to install SP4 to correct even
with SP local on client. Thoughts?

Oh, if attempting to start over, with fresh install at
this point, client is recognized at already having joined
domain and will not install needed programs. Whee!

Thanks in advance.


Since I do not seem to get a response from anyone on any
discussion group, I decided to sort it out myself and let
anyone interested in what I found.

KB319989 Remote Procedure Call Server Service (RPCSS) may
use a lot of CPU resources. This may occur if your
computer runs a DCOM program that uses Remote Procedure
Call (RPC) when the computer starts.

Resolution, since system is unable to run SP update,
locks, enter Safe Mode and perform update there.

Result, Client now logs on normally, completes
computerconnect program, and everything is wonderful.

Have a nice day.

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