VSS error Message



After creating a vss project and adding forms and modules, checkin and
checkout word fine. When I exit Access, then re-enter and login to vss, I
get the following message:

The source code control project contains more than one database name file.
In order to avoid confilicts, you should run SourceSafe and remove the extra

The help button on the msgbox adds the information that a name file is of
type .ACN.

However, when I go into SourceSave and look at the project, there is only
one database name file. If I remove it, vss acts like it has lost vital

I'm current in Office 2003 updates, and have installed Access addin and
Visual Studio 6 SP6.





It seems there is issue in VSS server. You may want to create a pure new
project to test the situation. It is best you post in
microsoft.public.visual.sourcesafe newsgroup so that you could get best

Best Regards,

Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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I originally posted there, was advised to repost here. I suspect my problem
is falling between the cracks... I thought the access people wrote the addin
for sourcesafe.



We will try to troubleshoot the issue in this newsgroup since they think
this is a better place.

Does the issue only occur in this specifc project? If you create a new
project, can you reproduce the issue? I was not able to find similar issues
in our database.


Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.


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Process: Installed vss (without vb6sp6 but with addin). Got errors. REMOVED
project from VSS. Installed correct level of patches (vb6sp6, etc.).
RECREATED project due to warnings from vss while removing project. Installed
project. Got error.

A minimal test project (1 form, empty database) works. Importing my
project's Forms collection to a new database, then putting new database into
vss produces the error.

VSS connection works during install. Access and VSS remain in sync, and
data is saved and retrieved. After original exit from Access, re-entry,
message occurs, VSS/Access connection doesn't work.




It seems that there are some issues inside the VSS database regarding this
Access database since a pure new database works fine.

I suggest that you create a new VSS database, and a new project on this new
database to test the situation

238155 How To Create a New Database in Visual SourceSafe

Also, you may test Northwind sample database on original and new VSS


Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I ran a combination of setup routines to see what was going onp. If I loaded
one group (i.e., forms) into VSS at a time, letting VSS open things as
necessary, it worked, except for reports. Three of the reports had "/" in
the report name, and that caused an error in the load process.

So the problem is at least limited to something in the reports. My earlier
statement about forms was apparently incorrect, i.e, I WAS able to load forms
correctly into vss, reopen, and have no errors. I will correct the report
names and see what happens.


How do I reply to group?

By the way, I found what probably caused the problem. I had a bad link to a
linked table.



You have replied to the group. Thank you for taking time to write in about
your experience on this issue.

Best Regards,

Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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