VS2005 - Publishing Website - Best practice?




I'm asking myself what the best practice is, when publishing a asp.net 2.0
website. So when I precompile the website, to put it online, i get a lot of
DLLs and ascx/aspx files. So i put them online, and all works, so far, so

But the question is now, when I make a simple change in a .cs-File, then I
publish again the website, to get all precompiled dlls, so I have to upload
again all DLLs, ok, that's ok, but I also have to upload all ascx and aspx
files, because the reference has changed.

Has someone a solution to this??


Garth H

Unless you're adding functions or methods leveraged in your aspx/ascx
files, you shouldn't have to upload them as well.


yes, that was like this in Visual Studio 2003. But in the 2005 when
publishing the website, to the *.aspx/ascx something like this is added:

<%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="Admin,
App_Web_d5-k97r2" %>

and as you can see, inherits sais "class", "DLL", in this case the DLL-Name
is "App_Web_d5-k97r2.dll", but when publishing again the solution, this name
changes, and then dhte aspx referers to a wrong old dll.

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