VS2005 project setting for AssemblyKeyName



We're starting to migrate all of our VS2003 projects to VS2005. We
create strong names for all of our assemblies using the assemblyInfo.cs
attributes for AssemblyKeyName. Here are the relevant attributes, as
an example:

[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("jjkaDmsStrongNameKey")]

When I compile these project inside of VS2005, I get the following
compiler warning:
warning CS1699: Use command line option '/keycontainer' or appropriate
project settings instead of 'AssemblyKeyName'

What screen in the VS IDE do I need to go to configure the CSP key to
use for strong naming? I've looked at the property page for the
project, and under the "Signing" tab there is only a place to configure
a strong name key file, rather than using a preloaded CSP key.

Any ideas?


Nicole Calinoiu

According to the response at
using a key container is not supported from VStudio. My own tests with a
relatively recent build would suggest that use of the
AssemblyKeyContainerName element in the project's MSBuild configuration has
absolutely no effect. Assuming this hasn't changed for the RTM build, the
only option left would seem to be specifying a Csc task with a KeyContainer
attribute in the project's MSBuild configuration. Depending on your
requirements, this may or may not cause more pain than transitioning to
using key files rather than key containers...

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